FastMetals is committed to providing you the resources to get your projects done fast and accurately. Utilize the chart below to quickly and easily convert fractions to decimals or decimals to fractions. We have also provided the metric equivalents. If you need assistance in selecting the right size or choosing the right product to fit your needs please, contact our customer service center.


Fraction Decimal MM
1/64 .015625 .3969
1/32 .03125 .7939
3/64 .046875 1.1906
1/16 .0625 1.5875
5/64 .078125 1.9844
3/32 .09375 2.3812
7/64 .109375 2.7781
1/8 .125 3.1750
9/64 .140625 3.5719
5/32 .15625 3.9687
11/64 .171875 4.3656
3/16 .1875 4.7625
13/64 .203125 5.1594
7/32 .21875 5.5562
15/64 .234375 5.9531
1/4 .25 6.3500
17/64 .265625 6.7469
9/32 .28125 7.1437
19/64 .296875 7.5406
5/16 .3125 7.9375
21/64 .328125 8.3344
11/32 .34375 8.7312
23/64 .359375 9.1281
3/8 .375 9.5250
25/64 .390625 9.9219
13/32 .40625 10.3187
27/64 .421875 10.7156
7/16 .4375 11.1125
29/64 .453125 11.5094
15/32 .46875 11.9062
31/64 .484375 12.3031
1/2 .5 12.7000
Fraction Decimal MM
33/64 .515625 13.0969
17/32 .53125 13.4937
35/64 .546875 13.8906
9/16 .5625 14.2875
37/64 .578125 14.6844
19/32 .59375 15.0812
39/64 .609375 15.4781
5/8 .625 15.8750
41/64 .640625 16.2719
21/32 .65625 16.6687
43/64 .671875 17.0656
11/16 .6875 17.4625
45/64 .703125 17.8594
23/32 .71875 18.2562
47/64 .734375 18.6531
3/4 .75 19.0500
49/64 .765625 19.4469
25/32 .78125 19.8437
51/64 .796875 20.2406
13/16 .8125 20.6375
53/64 .828125 21.0344
27/32 .84375 21.4312
55/64 .859375 21.4312
7/8 .875 22.2250
57/64 .890625 22.6219
29/32 .90625 23.0187
59/64 .921875 23.4156
15/16 .9375 23.8125
61/64 .953125 24.2094
31/32 .96875 24.6062
63/64 .984375 25.0031
1 1.0 23.4000


FastMetals has direct access to North America’s largest network of metal service centers. Our wide variety of metal selections range from 304 Stainless Steel and 6061 Aluminum, to 4140 Cold Finished Alloy, and many more. Additionally, at FastMetals, you can choose from a variety of shapes, from channel, angle, flat, and pipe, to round and rectangular tube. If you don’t see what you are looking for, no problem - click here to submit a fast quote for a custom cut.